Author Archives: schenklawfirm
Can I Do This Without a Lawyer?
The short answer is…..sure! You can also give yourself gall bladder surgery if you really want to. But, it certainly isn’t recommended. In all seriousness, this is a question that gets asked very often and for good reason. It is … Continue reading
The Fear of Talking to an Attorney
It’s not easy…..that’s for sure. Very rarely do folks talk to an attorney for a positive reason. We exist for the very opposite scenarios. Chances are that most of your clients have a problem that is affecting them physically, emotionally, … Continue reading
Wisconsin: New OWI Laws to take effect on July 1st, 2010
Starting July 1st, 2010, the OWI laws in Wisconsin are changing. Some changes benefit the defendant, but most do not. Relevant changes include: 1. An OWI 1st, currently not a criminal offense in Wisconsin, becomes a criminal offense if there … Continue reading